Most states require “core” subjects to be taught in K-12 schools, which includes English, science, social studies and math. Some states also require...
Manufacturing IT Blog | Marc Schwartz
What is eRate?
The Covid-19 pandemic has illuminated huge blind spots in our education system, especially in technology. As schools across the country fluctuated...
If I have a storage array, do I also need Backup as a Service?
A solid backup strategy is essential for every business. If disaster strikes – whether it’s a ransomware attack or a natural disaster like a fire —...
How Does Backup as a Service Differ from Cloud Storage?
When disaster strikes a business, whether it’s as small as a failed hard drive or as large as a fire that burns down the building, will the recovery...
How Schools Can Acquire Modern Affordable Technology
The Internet is becoming increasingly widespread and important in day-to-day life. People communicate through phones and computers; most writing...
Why equipment redundancy is important for business growth
When it comes to spending money on IT equipment and services, building redundancy into your IT system may be the least satisfying expenditure....
What Kinds of Technology Go into a Robust School Infrastructure?
Schools are beginning to implement more technology into their classrooms and curriculums. Nearly 95% of teachers use technology in the classroom...
Choosing the right servers for business growth
Choosing the right servers for your business’s IT system can seem daunting. How can you select servers that will handle your company’s databases,...
How to Make Hybrid Learning More Effective for Universities
Back in March, colleges sent students home as the coronavirus spread through the country. At the time, this decision to transition to online learning...
Why a Robust Network Firewall is Essential to Business Operations
Every minute of every day, attackers are scanning your corporate network, trying to break in so they can lock up your files with ransomware or...
How to Make Remote Learning More Effective in K-12 Classrooms
For many school districts, the looming question on the horizon is: what will happen for the remainder of this year? The Corona Virus does not seem to...
Benefits of Technology in the Classroom: Helping Teachers Help Our Children
Teachers devote so much time and energy to their students. Even outside of the classroom, teachers need to lesson plan, grade tests, run clubs or...
Why a fast and reliable internet connection is business critical
A fast, reliable internet connection is essential to keeping your business running smoothly. It allows employees in different offices – or on the...
When you know your business needs a storage array
Quick, reliable access to data is essential for any business. When an employee needs to retrieve notes about a customer’s order from your system, a...
Key factors when selecting a network switch for performance
The network is the backbone of your IT system. It allows employees in different locations to communicate easily with each other and to stay on top of...
Why strategic advice is crucial when rationalizing IT systems
When your company’s network goes down repeatedly or an employee’s laptop is running too slowly, it may seem that the easiest solution is to quickly...
CNS Partners Releases Manufacturing IT as a Service Solution
Andover, MA, October 26, 2020: CNS Partners today announced the availability of a new IT solution custom tuned to the needs of manufacturing...
What are the benefits of cloud backup or backup as a service?
The emphasis of that question is implicitly on the word service. To legitimately offer Backup as a Service (BaaS) the provider needs to have the...
The benefits of an expandable compute & storage system
When you are designing your compute and storage infrastructure, you may be thinking primarily about optimizing the performance for your business as...
Essential requirements to support the latest storage arrays
When a customer wants an estimate, you need quick access to information. It’s not just frustrating when the system is slow to return the numbers you...
Managing Storage Array Risk When Space Runs Low
Anyone who manages a storage area network has probably already learned (perhaps the hard way) that performance and protection are almost mutually...
When the Network Problem Isn’t IOPS
More times than not, poor network performance can be traced back to a storage system with poor IOPS. But what if you already ran the diagnostics and...
Diagnosing Network Performance
Network switches are core components in any network, because everything on the network connects through a switch. If the switch is not performing...
Understanding IT Database Performance Challenges
Poor database performance manifests itself as that noticeable (and sometimes intolerable) lag that occurs when navigating, querying, or submitting...
How IT Network Latency Affects Performance
For anyone who has been in IT for a while, the phrase “latency” probably conjures up images of spinning disks, spindles, and actuators… the things...
Disaster recovery plan: 10 keys to rapid recovery and productivity
A fire destroys your building. An earthquake knocks out power to large portions of your region. An equipment failure takes your database offline. ...
A modern IT backup strategy for fast & accurate restore
Backup systems have evolved from the days when they involved copying data onto disks or tapes – possibly on a schedule but often just whenever...
Impact of IOPS on IT System Performance
IOPS (input/output operations per second) is a standard unit of measurement pertaining to the maximum number of reads and writes to non-contiguous...
How to implement robust IT for intrusion prevention
Manufacturing companies use gates, locks and security cameras to keep their facilities safe. But digital risks to your business should get the same...
How to streamline your networking infrastructure
Businesses function most efficiently when the technology they use is running smoothly. This means, for example, that sales team members can easily...